Inf – Happy Halloween!
Monsters, spiders, skeletons and more scary creatures walked around Sagrado Corazón school last week. They put everything upside down… they sang, danced and roared. What an amazing week! We wish you a very happy Halloween!
Monsters, spiders, skeletons and more scary creatures walked around Sagrado Corazón school last week. They put everything upside down… they sang, danced and roared. What an amazing week! We wish you a very happy Halloween!
Our English journey has started very busy this year for our 2nd grade children. Our peers have worked very hard these two months, doing a huge amount of activities. We sang some catchy songs while learning the classroom material vocabulary. We also listened to a story and we represented a beautiful theatre afterwards. What an amazing job!
De nuevo tenemos la suerte de contar con dos auxiliares de conversación nativos y con mucha experiencia para nuestros departamentos de Inglés. Este año nos acompañan Curtis Williams, que ayudará a nuestro alumnado de Secundaria, y Jade O’Neill, que se incorporó el año pasado y este curso repartirá su tiempo entre clases de Primaria y Secundaria. ¡Bienvenidos a nuestro colegio, Curtis y Jade!
Nuestro colegio forma parte de los nueve centros educativos de la Comunidad Foral de Navarra que han conseguido financiación para participar en proyectos de movilidad europea Erasmus+ para alumnado y profesorado.
Actividades realizadas en 2º de Infantil con nuestro método favorito: Jolly Phonics.
Phonics activities in 2nd grade with our favourite method: Jolly Phonics.
Congratulations Marcos, Ming, Rubén, Lucía and Pelayo, you have successfully achieved the DUAL. You were among the first to sign up for this demanding and highly challenging program. You’ve showed a lot of qualities these last four years; positive attitude, perseverance, organization, motivation… You have not failed and you can be very proud of the work you have done.
English teachers have thought it would be very beneficial to join the project “Something is blooming”. We have taken the opportunity to introduce English vocabulary about spring through stories, songs, dances, poems and crafts.
A wide variety of attractive activities which have helped our children to learn the content in a playful way. We have known more about the butterfly metamorphosis by reading the following stories: “The very hungry caterpillar” and “Is it a butterfly?”.
After watching a film in the classroom – ‘No reservations’ for 2º ESO, ‘Shall we dance?’ for 3º ESO, ‘Must Love Dogs’ for 4º ESO -, the students are going to create three more new characters. They need to try to make them fit the plot perfectly well: describing their background, physical appearance, and why they are important for the story.
Les élèves de cinquième A ont découvert les calligrammes. Ces poèmes dont la disposition graphique forme un dessin en rapport avec le sujet du texte. Les calligrammes stimulent l’imaginaire autant par leurs aspects visuels que par leurs mots. Regardez leurs créations!
In our school we offer to prepare any pupils who wish to sit the external exams offered by the University of Cambridge. In Primary Year 6 we have a large number of pupils signed up for the A2 «Flyers» exam, and our language teachers help out to provide each candidate with individual preparatory tuition.
In the IT subject of 1º ESO we put ourselves in the shoes of a programmer. After almost finishing this course and knowing what difficulties we have been running into, we are thinking about programs or games that might help our schoolmates of 6º who will pass to 1st of ESO in a few months.
On the 5th of May the 10th edition of «Spelling Bee Navarra» was held in the planetarium of Pamplona. Irati Gálvez, 6th grade student, was the representative of our school. From here, we would like to congratulate her for her fantastic performance and we are happy to share a video with part of her intervention. (The 4th candidate) We are looking forward to the next edition, to relive the experience which ended in great feelings and enthusiasm.
Here we leave you a little glimpse of our music classes in 1º grade where we learn songs in english and how to follow the rhythm moving our bodies. In this activity, we use homemade recycled ribbons to develop our creativity while making shapes to the rhythm of music. It is known that these types of activities help students to stimulate their concentration, to discharge a lot of energy, and as you can see, to have a great time!
Good weather allows first-year ESO students to enjoy the sun in the schoolyard while preparing a theatre script with Jade, their assistant English conversation teacher.
El buen tiempo permite al alumnado de 1º de ESO disfrutar del sol en el patio del colegio mientras preparan un guión de teatro con Jade, su profesora auxiliar de conversación en Inglés.
Les élèves de troisième ont répondu à la question «quelle est ta saison préférée?» Ils ont aussi parlé des sensations qu’ils éprouvent et de l’émotion qu’ils ressentent à un moment précis de cette saison. Lisons leurs textes.
Un grand merci pour notre cher ami Samuel Mountoumnjou, grand raconteur de contes, qui est venu chez nous le 28 et 30 mars et le 15 avril pour faire découvrir aux classes de 5EP et 6EP des incroyables histoires sur l’ amitié, le bonheur, la coopération… Merci Samuel!
Le 31 mars dernier, après de longues négociations avec le Ministère de l’Intérieur Espagnol, l’école a reçu un passeport très exclusif qui permettait aux élèves de la maternelle et du primaire de voyager à travers différents pays anglophones et francophones, en apprenant les aspects pertinents en cours de route et en s’amusant en même temps. Regardez et jugez par vous-même!
Estela Machín, profesora del cole, está trabajando desde el pasado mes de enero en un colegio en Shanghai. Desde la distancia ha querido sumarse a nuestra celebración del día de los idiomas con este vídeo, en el que nos cuenta algunos aspectos de su nueva vida en esta ciudad. Además, tanto ella como algunos alumnos y alumnas del colegio Wellington en el que trabaja actualmente, nos explican la importancia de saber idiomas. ¡Muchas gracias Estela!