2º EI – Art and crafts: Clowns

The children of 2nd level of Infant School have made beautiful clowns using toilet paper rolls. Children have used their creativity to decorate their own clown with markers and stickers during the English lesson. Finally, they have practiced short dialogues between clowns. They have enjoyed the activity a lot, in the context of the circus week.





Información de contacto:

Fundación Educativa Sofía Barat

Colegio Sagrado Corazón Pamplona

Secretaría: secretaria.pamplona@fesofiabarat.es

Infantil y Primaria:

C/ Valle Salazar, 2
31004 - Pamplona
Tel. 948 23 50 00

ESO y Bachillerato:

C/ Media Luna, 43
31004 - Pamplona
Tel. 948 24 77 58